In business, being static is the biggest entrepreneurial sin, you must always move, evolving with the competition so as not to be drowned by your rivals. To stay in form means to stay on top. With such knowledge of how businesses work, it is very understandable seeing Google making a mega partnership with LG to improve on displays so as to take on the competition from Samsung.
From what is reaching us, it appears Google is not holding back as it prepares a $1 billion offer to LG Display to engage in mass production of curved OLED panels for its upcoming Pixel phones.
According to the report, LG is still examining the offer on the negotiation table. This move points to the understanding of Google that curved OLED looks to be the future of smartphone displays. LG and Samsung have already taken the initiative in producing thinner OLED panels with improved flexibility. This goes a long way in maximizing screen space of its next Pixels still going ahead in keeping the general device footprint on the low.
Well would you say a $1 billion dollar move from Google is too elaborate? Not at all, such LG curved OLED screen is better soup. And better soup na money kill am!
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