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Wednesday 15 August 2018

Making Technology Available to Everyone

We are living in an era where technology has become a vital part of our lives. From watching TV to using smart phones, we have become a prisoner to technology. Everything that we do be it on a small or large scale is somehow connected to it.
The pace at which technology is changing day by day, it has also become more accessible. In older times only people with money were able to afford the latest electronic items but now even the people of poorest countries have access to mobile phones. The rapid innovations have made technology not only cheaper but easily available too.

Read also:The-big-four-of-technology.

A blessing for the disabled

Technology is changing the world, of course making it a better place. It has made the lives of impaired and disabled people much easier. One can easily find gadgets that are helpful for blind, deaf or physically disabled people. Innovations now allow the blind people to see the world and deaf to hear sounds which always seemed impossible. Technology has proved to be a blessing for individuals whose lives were grey. It gave them a new hope and chance to live like normal people.

No more borders

With technological advancement, barriers between countries have decreased. Now import and export has become easier and less time consuming. It has allowed countries to come closer and work together in order to create a better world to live in.

Better communication

Technology now allows people to connect with each other irrespective of time and location. It is bringing people closer by making communication simple and effortless. So if you want to connect with a loved one in a distant country, worry no more. Grab your laptop or smart phone, download unlimited video chatting applications and talk to your friends face to face

Also available:apple-and-samsung-settle-lengthy-iphone patent dispute

More business opportunities

With less barriers and accessible technology, businesses have been able to explore new opportunities. Better communication now allows companies to retain their employees, satisfy their needs and in return get more productivity. Due to technology, the communication down the hierarchy has improved which has helped both the employees and employers in increasing their productivity.

Opportunities for the physically impaired

Thanks to the advancement in technology, the disabled people are now able to lead a better life and earn respectably. Companies now keep a quota for such people and provide an environment suitable for them.

International trainings and recruitment

It doesn’t matter if a company is unable to find the right employee for a position. They can easily hire someone belonging to a different country. They can easily conduct online interviews and provide training to their respective employees. Technology has now allowed companies to find the right individual for the right position irrespective of their nationality or cast.

Technology has helped bring people and countries closer in many ways. The accessibility has made the world a global village where everyone can communicate freely and benefit from each other in many ways.
Making Technology Available to Everyone Reviewed by Adebisi Ayodeji A. on 15:13 Rating: 5 We are living in an era where technology has become a vital part of our lives. From watching TV to using smart phones, we have become a pris...

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