Hackers sha!! No joy at all from those dudes. Right from the hacking of US Democrat Hilary Clinton and all, hacking is becoming more of a pressing global emergency. And the next destination for hackers was the British Parliament.
Danger looms as British parliament suffers from a “sustained and determined cyber attack” this attack has disabled law makers from accessing their emails. This was made public by telegraph.
In order to savage this threat, Authorities have prevented access to computer networks outside of the palace of Westminster, also emails have been sent to members of the parliament confirming that hackers were carrying out a sustained and determined attack on all parliamentary user accounts attempting to identify weak passwords. Authorities noticed strange happenings on the computer networks earlier this morning.
According to a commons spokesperson, reports indicating an ongoing investigation as accounts information for “tens of thousands of government officials” were traced online on Russia hacking site, also, further measures to secure the computer network, liaising with the National cyber security center” have been put in place.
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